It's been so long since I've typed out a post. My health has been a constant battle and my energy tanks are still lacking fuel, but I look forward to the beauty of autumn as it brings promise of cooler weather and slower days.
My goal this month is to post "something" every day and try to find the words that are piling up inside of me. Today's post is all about these fun sourdough pumpkins that I've enjoyed making.
I finally feel like I understand my sourdough starter and love having her bubbling personality in the kitchen.
October 1st is a day on the calendar that is full of emotions. Years ago, it's the day my sister was tragically killed in an accident. My heart experienced such painful grief that I still have feel . . . but God in His amazing timing, also blessed me with the birth of daughter 10 years later. It's a beautifully broken day that always reminds me of God's presence.
I trust in God's plan to unfold.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo