The Mother's heart is the Child's Schoolroom
- Henry Ward Beecher
When asked "why"
we homeschool, a flood of reasons come to heart and they have been
shaped over time through a conviction and the experience of graduating 3
of our 5 children. It's a tugging on our hearts and hard to
summarize into a simple explanation, but I will attempt to put this
feeling into words.
Why Homeschool?
Because . . .
1. We felt a "need" to homeschool -
didn't come easily to us. We had a child in school and the struggle
was real. She didn't fit the mold of the classroom dynamics. She was
gifted, bored, and sadly we watched a child hate the learning
process. Books were no longer exciting adventures, but tormented
homework. Playtime was lost. Over time, this "need" to homeschool has
grown into a conviction. We believe that it is our responsibility as
parents to educate beyond just reading, writing, and arithmetic.
There is the heart that needs faith, hope, love, and grace.
2. Our children teach us, too!
an amazing concept, but they have the ability to share life through
the eyes of a child. A child-like faith, is part of the amazing gift
they show us each day and backed by Scripture.
"...unless you change and
become like little children,
you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 18:3
I'm trying to see the world like a child. It is life-changing when we slow down to see all the sweet lessons of life unfolding through our children. Days may seem long, but the years go by all too quickly. Hold them close and treasure their presence.
Time spent together is priceless!
3. Applying what is taught is vital to remember and use it.
is no point in learning something if you don't know how to apply it.
While memorization is a excellent tool, the ability to learn how to learn and use what you learn are things I value more than the rote ability to quote something.
See it, hear it, smell it, touch it, taste it!
Apply the lessons and retention becomes beautifully natural.
4. The world is our classroom.
School gets labeled as basically the only place of learning that is supposed to be
- suggesting that a specific age is grouped together and that learning
only takes place in this structured environment with desks and chairs
and teacher up front. I believe that learning takes place everywhere,
all the time. Opening the heart and mind to a love of learning brings
wisdom beyond what can be taught in a building. Learning can take place
on a nature walk, visiting a neighbor, snuggled under a blanket
reading books, in the kitchen measuring out ingredients, listening to a
grandparent's history, or just having a conversation together over
tea. Children should also be taught how to learn and not just told
what to learn. They are naturally curious and will often learn more if
we step back a little and allow this curiosity to grow.
Wander beyond the school building and let them step out and explore!
"An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing." ~Charlotte Mason
5. It is our responsibility.
the years there is a lot of conflict among materials taught in school
that inherently are contradicting our beliefs. For us, a concept such
as creation vs. evolution was just one area, but this is actually
minor in the whole scope of morals/lifestyles, and oftentimes the
outside influences presented by teachers and/or peers are with the
absence of any faith. Our purpose in life is completely stripped
without the Biblical Truths. Something that was once important in
founding the educational system and recited daily in pledge as "one
nation under God" is sadly gone. Non-existent and
heartbreaking. We personally feel that we are held accountable in
raising our children. How could we send them away for the majority of
hours a day and give up this responsibility and not know exactly
what is being taught to mold their young impressionable minds, let
alone the greater burden of their precious hearts. We can't in our
current educational system.
6. Learning is not rushed.
knowledge that comes from slowing down and mastering a concept is
undeniably important. Home Education gives us the time we need to
assure that our child has a true understanding behind the lessons. We
can slow down when needed and work on a area that is a struggle or get
unexpectedly lost in a really good book reading for hours together and
taking a beautiful rabbit trail* of learning.
*rabbit trail - a spontaneous journey of exploration and discovery!
My favorite moments!
7. We want to instill a love to keep learning!
shouldn't stop just because a diploma is issued. It should continue
and with a burning desire to learn more because one wants to
learn more. Our world is constantly growing and changing and we need to
embrace the change by learning new things. Cultivate that learning
process. Love it and don't lose it! Embrace creativity and
imagination. Enable them to dream, so that they will share it with
others - especially, the precious gift of life.
Instill a love of learning!
We call all of this . . .
heart wants to guide my children in the ways of the Lord. It’s the
place I silently whisper my prayers and seek advice to stay focused. My
heart is filled with love, creative juices, and gentle learning. I
store the Scriptures deep within the crevices and hope they pump
outwardly in every action as an example for my children to see.
My heart is their schoolroom.
We call our schooling method “HeartSchooling“.
What is HeartSchooling?
In the words of our dearly loved and greatly missed Missey Gray*:
Keep loving on your little people!It is more than just “schooling” — more than imparting academic knowledge to our children. It is so much more.In all our homeschooling efforts, let us not forget our children’s hearts. Let us tie many heart-strings — the more the better — through daily interaction, creating special memories, binding our children to us through love and caring. And let us not forget to guide their hearts toward the Lord, to set their hearts and minds on things above.The academics are important, but the heart-set is even more so. That’s why I like to say that we are “HeartSchooling” — it puts my focus back where it ought to be and helps me keep my priorities straight.I hope you will come to enjoy my little blog. I will post more as I can.
HomeschoolBlogger took down their site and Missey's words are gone in
writing, but have been etched upon my heart forever. I'm glad that I
took note of this to remember.
Missey Gray was a dearly loved homeschooling mama that passed away unexpectedly after giving birth to her 5th child. Sadly some amniotic fluid got into Missey's bloodstream and caused a blot clot. She left behind a husband and 5 young children, one of which was her newborn baby.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo