January — 10 on 10th

10 on 10th
1. Would you rather make resolutions, select a word of the year, or make bucket lists?
I haven't made resolutions in a quite a while because I seem to fail.   Instead, I set goals that seem a little more attainable for each month.  As for the "would you rather questions, I'm full on board for selecting a word of the year and just recently posted about my word PERSPECTIVE
2. Would you rather make memories on vacations or save for a big occasion (retirement, wedding, college, etc.)?  
Our big occasions tend to be vacations, so making memories on a vacation would be my choice.  We took a road trip in 2021 for 7 weeks, through 19 states, and it will always hold a treasury of memories!  We are already trying to make plans for another memory making vacation.  The purpose of my blogging is to hold all our daily mundane memories close at heart and make them special memories - doesn't need to be a vacation or a big occasion - just time together with those I love.

3. Would you rather buy all the things on sale or shop your closet?
If I had the extra money, buying things on sale sounds fun, but with a tight budget, I try to shop my home first when it comes to my closet.
4. Would you rather shed weight through fad dieting and do it quickly or eat differently and lose weight slowly?
This is kind of a difficult question because I'd love to lose weight quickly and then focus my energy on keeping it that way!
5. Would you rather undergo some type of facial treatment or update a room in your home?
Easy, I would love to update a room in our home.  We have so many rooms to still update.
6. Would you rather watch Paul Hollywood or RuPaul?
Umm, probably neither since I don't really know who they are.  Ha!
7. Would you rather have to wear the same color all year or not wear that color at all?
I guess it would really depend on the color.  If it's a favorite (the neutrals - olives, black, blue, etc.), I wouldn't mind wearing it all year.  But if it's one like white, I could easily forgo not wearing it all year. 
8. Would you rather wear a designer look or a designer knockoff?
I would rather wear what feels comfortable - give me all the cozy clothes and forget the stiletto shoes.
9. Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed at a special occasion?
I think I'd most likely err on the side of being over dressed.
10. Would you rather have only neutral clothing or extremely colorful clothing?
As I mentioned above, I'm a neutral type of coloring in my clothing.  Living on a hobby farm with lots of dust, dirt, and animals, tends to dictate the dress attire and color.  The closer to mud color the better!   

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  1. Thank you for visiting! Actually our road trip was 7 weeks long. It was incredible and we called it our "once in a lifetime" type of trip. We hope to enjoy more road trips in the future. I'm looking forward to more 10 on the 10th posts in the months ahead.

  2. That road trip sounds wonderful!! We have never been able to take a vacation that lasts longer than a week because my husband used to own his own company and he couldn't be away from the business longer than that (and even then he tended to get daily phone calls). We're hoping to take a 2 week Hawaii vacation as soon as my middle son starts college (hopefully he has a long winter break where we can sneak away!).

    1. Thank you for stopping by! A Hawaiian vacation sounds so relaxing and fun. I went for my high school graduation and learned I was terrified to fly...oh my. I loved that trip besides the plane. I tried a plane again about 15+ years ago and it was a similar fear so we now take the car :)

  3. Welcome Michelle! Thank you for the blog compliment. I've enjoyed "interior designing" the process. I've always loved putting together blog designs and may one day venture out and help others again.

  4. Fun answers! I really enjoy reading all the different responses to Marsha’s questions. My favorite line from your whole post is the last sentence..."The closer to mud color the better!” I had a good chuckle at that!

    Shelbee on the Edge

    1. Living on acres of mostly dirt, I've learned to embrace the classy color of brown and all it's variations! I chuckle looking back when I first got married and chose a light cream colored couch. It's one of those never again moments.


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