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Back to school full schedule after the holidays.  I'm looking forward to routine again.  I'm sure that it won't come without trials and errors, as so much in our lives are still trying to fall into place.  Daily Rhythm cards are my attempt to try and keep the rhythm.  Each day has a card that differs slightly and being fine tuned as we add in "quiet" and "lace in the slow".  I want slow to be habit and have quiet woven into the beauty of that concept.

This month we have already started the 31-day Read Aloud Challenge and that is part of our Quiet Time for the month of January.  I'm hoping to go beyond the 31 days and keep the girls inspired to read more everyday and hopefully get a few books read this year myself.  We will also be working hard to double up, a bit, in the hopes to help with our missed days from the beginning of the school year.

Already, I know that our Gathering Time will probably occur in the afternoon and it will set the tone for a more productive Quiet Time.

Hymn of the Month:  Be Thou My Vision
Read Alouds:  365 Days of Wonder / + their independent choices for the challenge
Storytime this week:  The Buffalo Knife