Hindsight is 2020

I never could have imagined how 2020 would unfold in the ways it actually did, but yet somehow it never fully surprised me as it did most everyone else.  I had this sense of understanding and knew I needed to prepare very early on in the year before the pandemic declaration.  Hindsight is 2020.  I now know the reasons behind God prompting and preparing me for what was to come.   And yes, we have had plenty of toilet paper!


A snow frosting ends out our 2020 here on the mountain.  I pause to think over the trials of the year:  a pandemic, empty shelves, loss of lives, separation from family and friends, financial strains, businesses closing . . . the list goes on growing . . . but, the gratitude still overflows.  Our house was updated and painted, two new grandsons were born, dear husband was able to retire early, our homeschool experience was useful as homeschooling became the norm (miracles still do happen!), and it was a beautiful slower pace of life at home.  

The year was hard and blogging was out of season for me.   It's a year that we will carry in stories for generations that follow.   It was full of trials, deep discussions, and hard decisions.  Separating from family was, and actually still is, the hardest part of this journey, but my heart knows it has been the right decision with all the unknowns that still hover like a dark and heavy cloud.    I'm sure that the great aftermath still lies ahead in the year(s) to come, but I'm still grounded in faith and hope to keep that deeply rooted fully believing that God blesses those that trust in His plan.

love + do + think about