Puzzle: Home Cooking

One of my goals for 2024, is to complete a puzzle each month. I have lots of puzzles that have been sitting on top of a shelf to pick from. With the gift of a felt puzzle board, I think this will be a fun goal!

This month, I chose a White Mountain 1000 piece (probably my favorite puzzle company) called Home Cooking.  It's a beautiful puzzle and captures a lovely vintage farmhouse kitchen baking treats.  I especially like that their 1000 piece puzzles have slightly lager pieces making it easier on my eyes. 

I finished this in two days - when I get started, I just keep going!

January puzzle goal ✓


Home Cooking Puzzle

1500 pc. Felt Puzzle Board 

 *note that a 1500pc. board size is needed for this 1000 piece puzzle due to size


  1. I love that one! White Mountain is also my favorite brand, I have so many! I’m planning on doing the hot cocoa one you posted a while back while we are in Arkansas, it’s perfect for winter, as is this one. It feels so warm to me.

    I have never completed such a large one as quickly as you, well done!

    1. I almost missed your comment as I haven't had any for so long :) I do love doing puzzles. My February puzzle is a a red barn with quilts. I would love to make a barn quilt for our property one day.

      The hot cocoa was such fun! I remember sipping some while putting it together. I'm sure you have a lot of fun putting it together while you visit your old stomping grounds.

      This weekend will be a puzzle weekend for me - we have rain/snow showers for several days in the forecast so it's perfect puzzle weather.


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