Today marks the end of yet another year and a long delay since this space was created. I've missed these pages. . . some may call it writer's block, but I believe it is more feeling inadequate or that I have not managed time too wisely and let far too many days pass without making this a priority. The words of my heart are building up and it's time I let them overflow. The blank spaces of a new calendar seem most appropriateto just jump in and begin letting it unfold into
Becoming our Story
Stories usually begin with a planned out story line. The characters develop, the plot thickens, and we anxiously look to uncover a good ending. Our story here doesn't have a plan. The plot will unfold as each entry is shared. We can try to plan things out, but life has a way of writing it's own story.
My goal is to do this in love, hope, and faith. I don't want to influence a reader, but rather discover my purpose for being gifted each day and be an encouragement in the process. I believe that God already knows my story and I hope the words of my heart illustrate and glorify Him.
The clock is ticking away towards the New Year. Family awaits to nibble on finger foods, play a game and count down.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo