Do everything in love


Today marks the end of yet another year and a long delay since this space was created.  I've missed these pages. . . some may call it writer's block, but I believe it is more feeling inadequate or that I have not managed time too wisely and let far too many days pass without making this a priority.   The words of my heart are building up and it's time I let them overflow.  The blank spaces of a new calendar seem most appropriateto just jump in and begin letting it unfold into

Becoming our Story

(attempting again!)

Stories usually begin with a planned out story line.  The characters develop, the plot thickens, and we anxiously look to uncover a good ending.  Our story here doesn't have a plan.  The plot will unfold as each entry is shared.  We can try to plan things out, but life has a way of writing it's own story.

My goal is to do this in love, hope, and faith.  I don't want to influence a reader, but rather discover my purpose for being gifted each day and be an encouragement in the process.  I believe that God already knows my story and I hope the words of my heart illustrate and glorify Him.

The clock is ticking away towards the New Year.  Family awaits to nibble on finger foods, play a game and count down.

10, 9, 8, 7 . . . 1

Happy New Year 2023!