February Rhythms


January blew through!  We had so much going on - painting interior family room, finding our homeschool rhythm, and just living in some historical difficult times.  It's hard to stay on top of everything and just a continued reminder that I have some "things" around me that clutter my life and make things harder.   We've had beautiful weather of all seasons and snow days full of sledding and I even built a snowman.  

February plans:

-:- *continue reading my Bible through the year  - taking notes throughout. - loving this!
-:- *create/embrace "cozy" times - family game night or weekly dessert time
-:- *do a puzzle
-:- *find a creative way to have a date with dear husband (quarantine has made this hard)
-:- *help husband with painting interior as I can 
-:- crochet - I'm on a roll with this new handicraft and find it brings slow to my heart
-:- plan a Valentine brunch with the family
-:- make final curriculum decisions for 2021-2022 (ack ...really seems too soon, but it's time)
-:- get taxes done
-:- daughter H birthday!
-:- NASCAR famiy time
-:- hopefully have success with my sourdough starter
-:- find my blogging groove again - I miss this, but I am struggling.

*continued or carried over from January.