Quarantine Create - face masks

Behind these homemade masks, was the use of my sheer brokenness to find some form of purpose among the pandemic.  More and more restrictions and mandates change daily.  Our newborn grandson is in the hospital NICU and the inability to help in any tangible form weighs heavily on my heart.  Add to the chaos, with a week+ of cluster migraines, my head pounding and swollen eyes from the flood of tears.  I was feeling very defeated.  I had read that face masks were probably going to be required and decided that this was something I could do.  I pulled out my sewing machine and hunted my home for fabrics and supplies and went to work.  For several days, I cut, sewed, and ironed.  Each mask I prayed over for protection and health for all those that wore them and came in contact with them.  And, it proved true that masks became a requirement.  I handed them out to family, friends, neighbors, and my grocery shoppers that shopped and brought our groceries to our home.

Baby Judah is thankfully stable.  He has had some setbacks, but is back to making small bits of improvement.  We pray him home from the NICU before they no longer allow a parent to even visit.  It's hard to watch this battle unfolding.