...because the music of the rain was singing to the hymns of my heart.
The rain continues to make an appearance weekly. It is amazing! The clouds move in slowly and the sky turns grey. The drizzle is soft and then the thunder rolls and lightening flashes. Rain downpours. I watch through the windows spotted with droplets of beautiful water and listen. The music of the rain!

...because we tried a new recipe for jalapeno enchiladas and it made enough to bless our neighbor, too!

...because sunlight and green - the signs of Spring!

...because cucumber salad was a favorite of my Nana and gave pause to her memory.

...because farm fresh eggs! Our hens are such good layers and it provides abundance that we can gift to others.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo