Walk with Nature - snow falls

"When snow falls nature listens."
- Antoinette Vankleeff

And sometimes you just have to sit at a window and watch because the flu bug insists that you stay indoors.  The girls love snow days, and sadly, as the storms keep bringing snow this week, they are aching with fevers and coughs that steal away these precious moments of white fluff.  The fever struck Daughter E before the sun rose.  And slowly, but surely, this viral tormentor would take down Daddy and Mama with the rest of them.   The whimpers broke this mama's heart and prayers were whispered that health is restored quickly and snow play will resume.   

Winter hibernation with blankets and extra rest have blocked out another week on the calendar.  A forced slowing, but it will be embraced as we hope for recovery and strength to return.

A week of rest and recovery.  Needed.  Quiet.  Slow.