February was a really rough month. It began with the flu and it took down the family one by one and circled back around and knocked us down again. Two visits to Urgent Care, prescriptions for inhalers, cough syrups, and around the clock medications to keep fevers down were all part of the misery. Lysol became the scent of the month as my natural choices didn't seem to be working.
Summer school is officially being planned as we laid around most of the month in blank stares wrapped in blankets. Lessons didn't unfold in many educational ways, but we will always remember this month - spent together closely sharing our numerous germs. It's the memories and the helping each other - greater life lessons than I could have tried to instill on my own. The experience will bring forth compassion and empathy.
We hibernated through February and have hope in March bringing forth spring and renewed energy as we slowly emerge from our sickened blanket cocoons.
But, February did bring beautiful snow days! Lots of snow days. Watching the snow fall brought comfort to ache. Sipping hot tea was soothing. Blankets were warm and the mountain views were amazing!
Goals didn't go as I would have hoped, but I still feel blessed in what was accomplished.
-:- continue reading my Bible in 90-180 days
I failed here. There isn't an excuse fitting to share, but honesty and a humble attitude to know that I need to make this happen.
-:- date with dear husband
This didn't happen unless you count grabbing lunch and going for a walk with the girls after visiting urgent care. We all have been cooped up sick for the entire month. I wish I were exaggerating the entire month being home, but this illness kept us indoors and away from other people.
-:- decorate a little for Valentine's day and a candlelit table
Yes! I did decorate the table with a centerpiece for the month, but we rarely ate at the table. Meals were simple, usually slow cooked, and grabbed as each of felt we could eat. Sometimes the best of intentions don't always play out the way your heart desires. But the love was there.
-:- make Valentine treats and create something pinned
Yes, and no. I didn't make any treats to eat - zero appetite among us for sugar, but I did make a very simple decorated mason jar that I had pinned. I used the mason jar as a vase and a candle holder throughout the month.
-:- make some fabric hearts with the girls - handiwork
Yes! Before the illness stole my energy, I used some quiet time to hand sew some cute little fabric heart pillows. The girls were not feeling up to making any with me.
-:- gather family for H's birthday & opening Nascar Race of the season
We didn't "gather" family from outside of our four walls, but we did celebrate her 10th birthday.
-:- get back in the habit of buying fresh flowers
Ummm...not when you aren't able to go to the grocery store to buy them. I relied on help to do shopping and so while we had one bouquet of roses for H's birthday, the rest of the month was flowerless.
-:- I'd like to try drying a few stems of roses
Yes! With the one bouquet of beautiful blush colored roses, I did try my hand at drying them. They are hanging upside down now and I think drying nicely.
-:- "let's stay home" as much as possible
Yes, yes, and yes! All month long. All day long. With the exception of 2 visits down the mountain to Urgent Care, a drive thru pharmacy, and a moment to savor the 70 degrees outdoors for a short bit on the way home, we were at home lying around.
Spring is around the corner and bringing renewed hope.
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo