-living seasonally
It's cold and wet. We've had 5 out of 7 days of rain, snow, and freezing rain. It's an answer to prayers for the ground is thirsty. It's kept us mostly indoors because of all the mud and the frigid temperatures alongside the wind.-thinking deeply
I've probably been thinking too much and letting things weigh heavily on my heart. My brain has been having a hard time shutting down at night and thus drifting into sleep has been difficult.My quiet Bible time is going well and I'm enjoying the study notes and learning quite a bit.
-turning pages
We've been chugging along with homeschool and enjoying our journey through American history. This week we are finally stepping into the establishment of colonies, leadership, and the beginnings of the foundation of our country. The girls have been working hard on their 31-Day Read Aloud Challenge and have finished a book each and working on more. They have both already shared that they noticed a huge difference in how they sound when reading aloud.Turning the pages of our storytime/read alouds included:
The New Americans ✓
The Buffalo Knife ✓
John Audubon - just started
✓=completed this week.
Hopefully next month, I'll be able to find that extra time to read the books I have waiting in a stack.

-establishing rhythm
Currently our rhythm is staying home and doing school. We've enjoyed the blessing of slower winter days to keep us home. Hot cocoa and wrapped in blankets with a fire burning is daily routine during our afternoon reading time. Love this.-cultivating simplicity
I've been using the crockpot several times a week to prepare meals. We've enjoyed chili, taco soup, some Japanese curry.-creating beauty
I've been trying to add some new "vintage" touches around our home. I felt like I needed a bit of change and it has been fun to hunt down a few things to add that rustic beauty that speaks to my heart of simpler times.
". . . and His mother treasured all these things in her heart."
Luke 2:51
I love hearing from you and read and appreciate every comment and email. Your kind words, both here in the comment box and slipped into my email, mean the world to me. Thank you so much! ~xo