Slow Moments - say his name

...because a dear friend cared enough to remember and whisper his name. 

Today, marks 11 years since I gave birth to his tiny, still body.  I never heard his cry, but will never forget the sound of his beating heart for the short 5 months within me or my husband holding his only son who left us so soon.  I didn't have anything to visualize his name besides a piece of paper or his grave stone.  This is a precious jewel, with his name etched deep, that I can feel, see,  and read his name.  A piece that will keep his memory close to my heart.   Isn't this just beautiful!  Happy 11th Birthday, little one. I wait to visit Heaven's nursery to see him again.

...because studying hymns will be part of our upcoming school year.

...because we paused to admire the golden wildflowers on the hillsides.

...because these cute little fluffs will be laying our farm fresh eggs.

...because this heart naturally caught my attention.

...because dates with husband are special.  {chicken piccata over handmade fettuccine -yes, please!}

...because washing paint trays is habit.  We painted cards.

...because this was a sweet reminder of one of our favorite read-alouds this year - Wonder.

...and I am left to "wonder" what Nathaniel would have been like at 11 years old.